The Lay Apostolate of Jesus Christ the Returning King is a new movement in the Catholic church. This movement calls people to greater personal unity with Jesus Christ. As we become more aware of His presence, accepting His love and healing, we are then able to bring His light and love to those around us. By allowing Jesus to love others through us, we call them back into the safety of the family of God. Jesus calls this rescue mission for souls. It involves people accepting their call to both personal holiness and service in the Church.
What is Our Mission: We seek to be united to Jesus in our daily work, and through our vocations, in order to obtain graces for the conversion of sinners. We pledge our allegiance to God the Father. Through our cooperation with the Holy Spirit, we will allow Jesus to flow through us into the world, bringing His light. We do this in union with Mary, our Blessed Mother, with the Communion of Saints, with all of God’s holy angels, and with our fellow lay apostles in the world.
The Rescue Mission: This rescue mission began in 2003 when Anne, a wife and mother of six, was asked by Our Lord to start recording a spiritual journal from which “The Volumes” (available in the Parish Library) were printed. The writings reveal a path to personal holiness that focuses on unity with Jesus Christ. In them is found love and encouragement, as well as clear guidance in how Jesus desires that we conduct ourselves during this time of renewal.
Where Does the Church Stand? Anne, a lay apostle, lives in Kilmore Diocese in Ireland. In the spirit of obedience to the Magisterium of the Church this entire body of work has been submitted to Anne’s bishop, Most Rev. Leo O’Reilly, as well as to the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for formal examination. Bishop O’Reilly has given permission for the publication of the written work. For further information go to:
Heaven Speak Booklets: Jesus gave Anne messages directed to groups of people in special need of His help. Anne recorded twenty short “Heaven Speaks” booklets containing messages from Jesus, the saints and the Blessed Mother.
When Do We Meet? The first Sunday of each month at 5:45 pm at St. Hugh Church. (Time subject to change, please check weekly bulletin).
What Does Our Meeting Entail: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, reading of monthly message, recitation of the Luminous Rosary and discussion on message.
Who Can Join? Anyone who desires to grow in holiness.
We continue our cycle of monthly messages for our prayer groups and personal reflection.
Please click here to read monthly message. Monthly Message